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Writer: juliemarijuliemari

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

Hi! On today’s post, I want to talk about the terrible pandemic we’re going through and how I am coping with the lockdown. Indeed, the COVID-19 is affecting the whole world and we are all suffering from it in different manners: socially, economic, environmental, healthy, political, …

Because of this virus, a lot of universities have closed. For my course, I am doing it all online, and I am not going to lie, it’s very difficult. Why is it difficult? For many reasons. Firstly, there’s no place dedicated to university work anymore, as we are studying from home. It means that it is sometimes complicated to make the difference between university work and leisure so motivation is often hard to find. Then, we can’t see our classmates and teachers face to face, and it personally brings me a strong feeling of loneliness. Moreover, I am very worried about the professional part. A lot of organisations are having financial problems due to the sanitary crisis, so they’re less looking for employees. Am I gonna find a placement? Is it gonna affect my whole professional life? Unfortunately, we can’t answer these questions yet, and I guess that we won’t be able to answer them for a long time. However, in this post, I don’t want to talk only about negative things. As going out, discovering the world and meeting people became complicated, I am trying to try new activities to occupy my time to live the lockdown as well as possible.

  • I watch movies (or rewatch for some of them!). Especially because we’re approaching Christmas so Netflix is offering us numerous Christmas movies and I love it!! It is making me relax and enjoy the wonderful period of Christmas.

  • University work is taking me a lot of time but I don’t mind as the assessments I have to do are interesting. It sometimes doesn’t even seem like working as I am doing it with pleasure.

  • I have started to embroider. After watching numerous TikToks and YouTube videos about embroideries, I decided to try and I enjoy it a lot! I am still a beginner so my artworks aren’t perfect but I like it. For Christmas, I am going to personalise t-shirts and tote bags with embroidery for my family 😊

  • My boyfriend and I are also learning how to draw, so we’re doing small contests such as “Who’s going to draw the best Hamburger?”, a little competition has never done any harm!!

So that’s what I do. I also tried to bake, read, and workout but I find it difficult to carry out these activities in a consistent manner for me. These activities help me to discover new parts of myself and it makes me live the lockdown better and time flies when you're having fun!

Now, we just have to wait until the day so eagerly awaited by the whole world when the situation will improve for everyone. Until then, we just have to try to appreciate the time we have doing things we like.

But a question stays, are we ever going to retrieve the freedom we had before the pandemic?

Thank you very much for reading this post, I am waiting for your comments! Tell me your feelings about the pandemic and I am open to new activities ideas so tell me what you’re doing during this lockdown!



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