I've noticed how social media is altering our self-perception and image.
As a member of generation Z, I use social media actively, such as Instagram and Twitter, and I believe it has a significant impact on us, both positively and negatively.
The way people feel about themselves can be used to describe "self-concept." It's a skill that can be learnt and developed. Everyone desires to feel well, to grow, and to improve.

There are various elements to the self-concept:
The real self is an objective representation of who we are. It's how other people perceive us, our thoughts, feelings, actions, and appearance.
However, on social media, our true selves are frequently hidden, and some people alter their profiles. Indeed, it is common that we only show what we want to show.
The self-image is more subjective than the real self. It's how we look at ourselves. Unfortunately, because we prefer to emphasise our imperfections, our self-image is often more negative than the real self. Comments on our Instagram postings, for example, might have a favourable or negative impact on our self-esteem.
Our social self, or how we believe we appear to others, is our mirror self. We are not always conscious of what others think of us, and each of us has a unique perspective on ourselves. Because we never know what people truly think of our latest post or social media profile, this might contribute to a lack of self-confidence.
The ideal-self is the version of ourselves that we would like to be. This is why we follow icons we respect and admire on social media, some of whom reflect an ideal we aspire to.
The possible self is a representation of what we might become. It enables self-improvement, adaptation, and personal development. What kind of person would I be if I lived in America? What would I do and who would I be if I had 300,000 followers on Instagram?
What do you think about self-concept?